Saturday 28 June 2008

Fred: the puzzle of a YouTube hyper sensation

It has come to my attention that kids love Fred. 

Who is Fred?

If you're like me, you've never heard of Fred.  And if you're like me -- or hell, even if you're not like me -- you will not understand why Fred is getting 3 million to 4 million hits every time he posts a video on YouTube.

That is an absolutely stratospheric, TV-viewership-like repeat audience size.  His YouTube channel is the 5th most subscribed of all time, with 200,000 subscribers -- meaning every time he puts out a new episode, that many people are alerted to it. To advertisers, tween traction like this is worth more than two trips to Chuck E. Cheese. 

I'm going to embed one of his videos below.  I don't want to, but I feel I have to out of pure journalistic necessity. You see, usually one can find an inkling of a tincture of a shadow of reason for something's popularity. But in this case, I cannot.  So I would like to share this with a broader audience in the hopes that perhaps some Fred-positive readers might be able to enlighten the rest of us.

Is it that our over-medicated, under-exercised, camera-toting youth see a bit of themselves in this hyper-hyper-character?  If so, we're in for a very annoying future.

If you click through to this video's YouTube "watch" page, you'll see it has an astonishing 30,000 comments, making it the 30th most discussed comedy video in YouTube's history. Yes, 30,000 people took the time to comment on this -- a clear indicator that there is something to comment on.  The mystery continues ...

See Also