Saturday 28 June 2008

Jay Z - Festivalgoers Urged To Go Green This Summer

Music fans attending this summer's festivals have been reminded to keep climate change in mind as they enjoy their favourite bands.

While watching the likes of Jay-Z and Kings of Leon on the main stage could be your highlight of the summer months, the ecological impact could be more than you realise.

The sheer size of Glastonbury and the other UK festivals require an extraordinary amount of organisation, as well as using terrifying amounts of electricity and water.

But by keeping recycling in mind, music lovers can have the time of their lives without impacting on the planet, Beverage Can Makers Europe (BCME) have recommended, with BBC Radio 1 DJ Reggie Yates lending his support to the campaign.

While festivals such as Glastonbury are helping out by reducing their carbon footprint - with free, biodegradable potato-starch tent pegs to campers and all food outlets asked to use wooden cutlery - you too can be green this summer by recycling your drinks cans, he explained.

"Not only is the drinks can 100 per cent recyclable but it is also infinitely recyclable, meaning it can be recycled again and again," Reggie continued.

"It's so easy to get involved in recycling and is important for us all to do our bit.

"So don't forget to pack your drinks cans for the journey and enjoy a couple of refreshing beers with your mates while setting up your tent."

If each of the 20,000 attendees at the O2 Wireless Festival recycled a drinks can, it would save energy to power the stage for 34 hours, BCME revealed.

Every part of a drinks can is recyclable and as the recycled metal be used repeatedly, there is no wastage from the process, the non-profit making organisation explained.

And Reggie added: "Just please remember to recycle them as just one recycled drinks cans can save enough energy to power a 60W light bulb for two hours - it makes a difference!"

20/06/2008 00:02:01

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